Life Transitions

Making the Most of Online Therapy During Covid-19


I enjoy collaborating with other providers, since I think we learn so much through meaningful connection. I co-wrote this post with the wonderful Dr. Christine Chang. Learn more about her below. ---- The impact of the pandemic has been very palpable. During this stressful time, we may realize we need support and also notice that there might be barriers and ambivalence to getting and maintaining professional help. For example, we might have concerns about using [...]

Making the Most of Online Therapy During Covid-192020-07-01T16:32:55+00:00

Systems of Oppression: Noticing, Dismantling, And Rebuilding


Changing patterns take time, investment, awareness, and action. These same themes are essential for individuals, organizations, societies, and nations. If we wish to shift systems of oppression that perpetuate inequality within ourselves as well as within spaces that are important to us, we need to remember to offer time, investment, awareness and action. For those of us born into families and places that did not encourage awareness of systemic oppression, we might need to dig [...]

Systems of Oppression: Noticing, Dismantling, And Rebuilding2020-06-09T15:00:32+00:00

4 Concepts to Help you Adjust to Your New Normal


Being a New York City-based psychologist during the time of COVID-19 has highlighted the extent of adjusting, shifting, grieving, and healing we’ve all had to do. I’ve had to lean into my knowledge about trauma, burnout, grief, and compassion in a different way than before because the psychological impact has been real for everyone involved. During this time, we might need reminders that help us adjust and grow with kindness and thoughtfulness. Here are a [...]

4 Concepts to Help you Adjust to Your New Normal2020-07-01T16:56:03+00:00

Cultivating A Gratitude Practice


In the midst of the fear and panic of COVID-19, it feels so important to find gentle and realistic ways to protect our physical and mental health. A gratitude practice can be one way we ground ourselves, deepen our perspective, and validate the complexity of our experience. Here's a post on how we can cultivate this practice in a more authentic and gentle way. What Is Gratitude? I define gratitude as a practice of making [...]

Cultivating A Gratitude Practice2020-04-27T19:12:31+00:00

Work From Home Burnout Prevention Tips


The COVID-19 pandemic can really and understandably bring up a lot of stress. Fears about losing control can come up, and we might, in an effort to feel more grounded, look for ways to regain that control and agency. Sometimes though, we can lean into patterns that can be less healthy for us. One (unhealthier) way we might try to regain control is by throwing ourselves into work, when we either do not need to [...]

Work From Home Burnout Prevention Tips2020-05-01T18:46:41+00:00

How to Offer Kindness To Ourselves During Tough Times


January can be a powerful month for many of us. It's a time of reflection, action, and creativity. Sometimes though that reflective process can get out of hand! We might notice all the ways things did not go according to plan or the ways we didn't show up the way we wished. We might even then start criticizing ourselves which can zap our self-worth and motivation. If you've ever wondered "why do I do this?," [...]

How to Offer Kindness To Ourselves During Tough Times2020-04-27T19:16:15+00:00

10 Non-Meditative Ways to Be Mindful


What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the process of offering moment-to-moment awareness to our experiences in a gentle and curious way. It is an intentional practice of trying to be in the now - so when we notice ourselves pulled into the past or the future when practicing mindfulness, we practice gently shifting our attention to the present.  We often associate mindfulness with meditation, but there are so many different ways to practice mindfulness. Here are [...]

10 Non-Meditative Ways to Be Mindful2019-06-28T22:10:02+00:00

5 Ways to Maintain a Sense of Control Through Major Life Transitions


When I think about change, Jon Kabat-Zinn’s quote often comes to mind: “You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” Throughout our lives, things are constantly changing. Life transitions can vary in intensity, often filled with worry, loss, and doubt. Even the transitions that can on the surface feel positive, can be tied with worries and fears. Change can be hard, and can easily feel overwhelming. Here are some ways to practice [...]

5 Ways to Maintain a Sense of Control Through Major Life Transitions2019-06-18T21:47:47+00:00
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